DISCLAIMER: ALL events depicted in this Blog are 100% TRUE. This is an accurate portrayal of the on-goings of my everyday life.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A New Blog Has Surfaced On The Interwebs...

...and we (me) here at You Call This Crap A Blog? are proud to announce that the webmaster of Real Reviews by Jay and I have decided to become compadres, partners, pals... Read it if movie reviews are what you're looking for.


Ending The Terror of "Anon".

Way to go people, some of you have ruined it for everyone. you must now register to post comments on my blog. if I get enough registered users, I might let everyone post. This blog shouldn't have to be this way, but for now it is... I guess countries work the same way, I just scrapped my first constitution, and re-wrote it... In time liberties will be added as members become available. Welcome to the new and improved "You Call This Crap A Blog?".

-An Angry Midnight

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thinking of making a purchase.

As a gamer, I have to make many difficult decisions in my life. Eat, or play? Sleep, or play? Socialize with others, or play? But I am faced with a new problem, and I could use some help figuring it out... I'm thinking of buying/building a "rapid fire" modded controller for my Xbox 360. I could also, while I'm in there, change the plain green LEDs to shiny blue LEDs (which would look amazing!) As I'm not the most tech-savy person I know, I don't know the cost benifit of doing this myself as opposed to getting it made pro. I don't have the tools to do it, but they can't be THAT expensive... Right? RIGHT? I hope to come to a decision soon, I may even decide against the whole idea, it voids your warranty.(And 360 controllers are EXPENSIVE) If and when I get it done, I'll be sure to show off my pics.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


The other day I decided, "Wouldn't it be nice to, somehow...feel accomplished AND hold up my pants at the same time?" (No, really, that's how it happened.) I built a belt out of soda tabs and string, and it came out pretty well! It's a whole lot lighter than I thought it would be. I just need to edit it (I guess you could call it that...) with "book" clips, so I'm not getting held up when I need to... you get the picture... I'm enjoying the "buckles" I made as well. They are simply fashionable, and do no buckling whatsoever, but a belt looks dumb without a buckle. I made an Iron Man one and a Big Blue Soda one. Did you know Big Blue is in cans now?!? If you have no idea what Big Blue is, it's like Big Red, but blue. It's a little sweeter as well. If you don't know what Big Red is, get out from under that rock you've been living under, buy some at your local gas station or super market, and read some more of my blog. If your stores don't carry it, I mourn for your tastebuds loss.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Post the First.

Well... Here we are. The first post of my first Blog. If you are reading this, congtats, you have just found the newest way to waste your time. I hope the mis-adventures of this guy, writing the very words you read (hopefully not aloud) amuse you. Or touch your very soul. All in all, welcome, dear reader to my blog.
